
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Free Root Beer Float Day

Abby likes soda
Abby likes ice cream

Soda + Ice cream =

Melody has a knack for spotting deals. On August 6th, the deal was free root beer float day at A&W paired with a text coupon for a free burger. Don't forget to mark the calendar for next year!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Family Kayaks

We're trying to teach that after you play with a toy, you put it away. This was one of my attempts to lead by example. After each trip to the lake, we try to wash  the mud and sand off the kayaks before putting them away. Abby jumped right in, especially since water was involved.

Abby can be quite the helper, she especially likes to redo the task that I just polished off. But I don't like to stop her and I'll take her however I can get it.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Lilly's Laugh

If you haven't had a chance to hear Lilly laugh, you're in for a treat. Our youngest daughter doesn't just giggle, she full on...growls? We don't know if it started when Abby taught her what the Lion says or if she had this awesome laugh before she was born. Either way, we love it.

Lilly, when you're old enough to read this, just remember that we love you and even though we laugh at your laugh, you, like your laugh, are wonderful.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Potty Saga-Bribery Backfire

Princess potty- check
Elmo potty-time DVD- check
Potty prizes for success- check

Needless to say, we felt more than ready to tackle the potty training mountain. Abby is definitely a quick learner too. Sometimes it works to our advantage and sometimes to our surprise.

Abby had just finished a successful trip to the potty and still chewing on her prize (we keep a bag of Starburst candy on hand for such occasions), scurried back of to the living room to play with her toy animals a little more before bedtime. Then it happened, the poo-freeze ...  going from full-out run to statue in the blink of an eye, as if she was playing the in the world championship of red-light green-light, coupled with an intense look of concentration.

"Abby do you need to go potty?"
"No, I already have enough potty treat today."

Needless to say, a diaper was later changed .

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Beer+Bratwurst+Polka Music = ...An AWESOME Saturday!

Even though we chose not to try the beer that made for some pretty fantastic Polka dancers out on the dance floor, we all had a wundervoll time. Every year, Snowbird joins in the German tradition and celebrates beer like the best of them!

Whether you drink or not, Snowbird's celebration is a fantastic, family friendly event. Abby got her face painted, we took the tram to the top of the mountain to listen to alp horns (think Ricola commercials), and ate some bratwurst and sauerkraut while clapping to a live polka band.

My parents came with us and totally made the day for our girls. Anytime grandma and grandpa are around, Abby is just thrilled! She grabs their hand and loves to act as their personal guide as they walk along. "Oh wook, at aw dees weaves!" "Oh wook Grama, her [Lilly] is sleeping!" "Grampa, comere, i wanta show you sumting!"

Even Lilly had a good time!
If you haven't checked it out, be sure to swing by sometime soon. It's free to get in, the food is a little pricey, but there are free concerts, live polka bands with a dance floor, and miles and miles of hiking trails if you want to break away from the crowds.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Day at Rockport Reservoir

Sun, sandy beaches, mountain vistas, and wave runners; it can't get much better than that! Our family spent a day, during Melody's family's reunion, up at Rockport Reservoir with boat loads (literally) of our nieces, nephews, and siblings. We had a ball (not literally)!

What's all this nature stuff?

Lilly got some up close and personal time with the leaves of our tree.

Click read more to see more pictures

Sharing- Glasses Exempted

 Our two year old always makes mom and dad look good when she's playing with other kids. She is the equity enforcer, insuring that everyone gets a turn and that everyone shares, whether they like it or not. So in church one Sunday, she was naturally excited to let her friends at church take turns with her glasses.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Living Room Camping and Fake Lottery Tickets

Camping to Abby is like winning the lottery. Needless to say, when she missed the part about out next outing not being tonight, she was more than bummed.