
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Potty Saga-Bribery Backfire

Princess potty- check
Elmo potty-time DVD- check
Potty prizes for success- check

Needless to say, we felt more than ready to tackle the potty training mountain. Abby is definitely a quick learner too. Sometimes it works to our advantage and sometimes to our surprise.

Abby had just finished a successful trip to the potty and still chewing on her prize (we keep a bag of Starburst candy on hand for such occasions), scurried back of to the living room to play with her toy animals a little more before bedtime. Then it happened, the poo-freeze ...  going from full-out run to statue in the blink of an eye, as if she was playing the in the world championship of red-light green-light, coupled with an intense look of concentration.

"Abby do you need to go potty?"
"No, I already have enough potty treat today."

Needless to say, a diaper was later changed .